Life without Masks

Dr. Eshani Niranya Karu MD
2 min readJun 22, 2021
Young Couple Outside with Trees

The 4th of July is here in less than 2 weeks and it will be the first major holiday in California in over a year where there will not be a mandate to wear a mask, social distance and have the ability to congregate together in large numbers. This will be a very difficult for many people with or without vaccinations.

A friend of mine observed that going to the grocery store is a mixed bag of people with and without masks. There are elderly people that have been vaccinated that are still wearing masks in the store and even some when they are driving their cars in isolation, but still feel the necessity to wear a mask.

It is going to take time for all of us to get comfortable with the idea that are fellow man is not going to get us infected with Covid-19 and for those people that worry about the sequence of if I get it I will suffer dire consequences, let it be known that while there have been many deaths, the majority of people that have had complications already had physical health issues.

Get vaccinated and for those still at home it is time to venture outside.



Dr. Eshani Niranya Karu MD

Dr. Eshani Niranya Karu, MD, is a highly-skilled physician passionate about putting patients first. Visit for more!